To gift your loved one something is a very special feeling. There is always an excitement to see their reaction after receiving the gift. Their happy reactions make us happier and we feel proud of our choice of gift.
This is why gifting is a fun experience as it is all about sharing, love, care and happiness. However, the tough part is to decide what to gift the other person which they will really like. For solving this confusion of yours we have different options for you to gift some good things which your partner will love.
Valentine’s day is a craze among lovers. It is a day of love and everyone wants to make their partner feel special. It is not like you should wait for the whole year for this day to make your partner feel special on just this one day. Take it just as one more excuse to make your partner feel special.
1) Customized gifts
For such occasion you can gift some customized gifts to your partner which you think they will like. You know your partner really well so you will know what are their interests or hobbies.
Based upon their likes and interests you can gift them those things or personalise them. For example, if your lover loves to drink coffee then you can give him a personalised mug with a quote of your choice.
If your partner loves to sleep the whole day on weekends and cannot compromise with his sleep at any cost then you can gift him a cushion cover with a quote or some funny slang.
2) Gifts ideas if there are going to be wedding bells on Valentine’s day
There are some couples who decide to get married on valentine’s day. So for such an occasion, you need to think about wedding gifts for bride and groom. You can gift them a travel package and I am sure they will love it as this will bring them some time together. A travel package is one of the best wedding gifts or Valentine’s gifts for couples.
This will help them make some more memories and probably they will be really thankful to you for this. Buying a wedding gift for a friend shouldn’t be a formality instead it should be a gesture of warmth.
Other Valentine’s gift ideas can include:
3) Perfumes
4) Couple rings/bands
5) Couple watches
6) Makeup kit for the girl
7) Hairstyling kit for the groom
8) Recliners (if you guys are the couple who love to binge-watch together)
9) Planning a surprise:
A gift brings smiles and happiness but getting a surprise brings a wonderful feeling. So you can also plan a surprise instead of just gifting presents.
- You can arrange a surprise private date
- a surprise birthday party and invite all the people that your partner loves
- a surprise weekend getaway taking care of all the other concerns and responsibilities of your partner.
Such surprises can widen the smile which comes on your partner’s face by receiving gifts. There are many good decorators on the internet which can do the decoration part for your planned surprise. You will just have to book their services and sit back and see their amazing creativity.
10) Taking a cue from the valentine’s weekdays for giving presents and surprises:
Valentine’s day comes with a series of love celebration days like promise day, teddy day, hug day, kiss day, etc. You can also think of something special to gift these days.
You can buy some small gifts on each of these days to prepare your partner for a big surprise or lovely gift which he will be getting on valentine’s day. Take your cue from the name of the day and be a little creative to impress your partner.
For example,
on teddy day, give a pen holder or mug shaped like a teddy bear to gift your lover. This will be a cute gift which he can also use everyday.
You can also fix a time on everyday when you will be giving your gifts to your lover to build excitement and increase the element of surprise in them.
You can also do this thing to give a lovely surprise to your partner. Pack all of your gifts for different days and hand over to your partner before they start. Tell your partner to open them one by one everyday at a fix time. So that they will be excited about opening the next gift the next day. Make sure your partner doesn’t cheat. So take a promise or make them swear beforehand so that they don’t cheat.
11) Gifting time and memories to each other at some romantic setting
If you and your partner have been exhausted by work pressure or city life then you can take a break during this valentine’s week. You can book a trip and make some surprising arrangements for your partner at the hotel or resort which you have booked.
You can have a couple of spa sessions, candle night dates, nature walks, etc. All these moments will provide you with a romantic setting where you can gift your partner your decided valentine’s day gift. Also, this can be a rejuvenating trip for both of you where you will find a chance to make memories.