5 Killer Abs Exercises for Your Abs Program
In this article, we will tell you 5 killer abs exercises for your abs program. This is a follow-up on the Top 5 Moves for Your Core/abs you can do at home I wrote last week. In This blog, I will cover abs exercises with the aid of a ball. Words of caution, the following abs exercises are fairly advanced and require a lot of balance and agility.
The swiss ball or exercise ball is a great tool when it comes to abs exercises. Carrying out an abdominal workout on the ball helps you keep your abs contracted throughout the exercise. A constant adjustment is required due to the unstable nature of the ball keeps the muscles engaged throughout the set.
Important Note: To flaunt your newfound abs you will have to reduce your body fat to a level where these muscles become visible. So diet and cardio will also have to be incorporated into your training schedule.
Table of Contents
Ball Crunch
- Step 1 – Begin with your feet flat on the ground and your knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Rest your hands on the sides of your head (your hand should not be supporting your head).
- Step 2 – Push your lower back into the ball, contract your abs, and lift your shoulders a few inches, crunching your abs towards your hip.
- Step 3 – Lower your torso under tight control, still keeping the tension in your abs. Make sure not to “flop” back on the ball.
Ball Twist – Abs Exercises
This exercise might be of special interest to golfers who want to add some distance to their drive as it not only builds strong abs but also strengthens the rotational muscles of the torso.
- Step 1 – Lie on the ball with your lower back well supported and your feet flat on the floor, your knees should be at an angle of about 90 degrees. Hold your hands to the side of your head (note do not support your head with your hands).
- Step 2 – Once you feel steady and stable, begin to crunch up. About halfway up, twist your torso to one side – spreading your elbows wide helps you to balance.
- Step 3 – Hold the top position for around one second, then return to the start position. Keeping your Lower Body still, lower and untwist your upper body.
Ball Press-Up
In the exercise, you elevate your feet on the swiss ball to make your chest, shoulders, and upper arms work harder than in a regular press-up.
- Step 1 – Place your feet on the ball so that your body is supported on your extended toes and on your hands, which should be under your shoulder joints.
- Step 2 – Keeping your core muscles engaged, lower your body slowly as far as you can before pressing back up to the start position.
Ball Back Extension
This exercise helps to balance your trunk by conditioning your lower back muscles that work opposite to your abs. regular work out will not only strengthen the muscles but also helps prevent lower back injury.
- Step 1 – Lie with your abs and upper thigh “wrapped” across the ball with the tips of your toes touching the floor.
- Step 2 – With the tips of your fingers touching the sides of your head, slowly straighten your body while breathing in.
- Step 3 – Gently and smoothly lower your upper body to the start position while breathing out.
Ball Jack Knife
This Valuable but relatively advanced exercise demands greater balance and control. It works the core muscles that flex your hips and also stresses your abdominal muscles.
- Step 1 – Start with your body in a press-up position. Keep your hands flat on the ground and your feet on the ball. Align your head with your spine.
- Step 2 – Draw your knees towards your chest; maintain a neutral spine as the ball rolls forwards. Your hips will raise a little as the ball moves.
- Step 3 – Keeping your neck stretched out, roll the ball back by returning your legs to the extended position with your knees straight. We hope you liked these 5 killer abs exercises for your abs program.