The speed bag is the coolest equipment that improves your punching game. Seeing a professional boxer hitting the speed bag one after one is a fantastic site. It is not easy to perform this workout. It involves a lot of tricks & steady techniques. Speed bags are just toys that you can play with after putting your boxing gloves on.
Speed bags are beneficial boxing that boosts your hands’ speed & reaction, which is essential for improving your workout and athletic performance. It is dynamic & more efficient than the free-standing punching bag. Following are the benefits of hitting the speed bag.
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1. Improve the hand speed
Having efficient hand speed helps in so many ways. Primarily it makes the defending laborious for the opponent. And equip you to defend yourself from the attack. The faster the hands are, the higher the punching power is. A quicker hand generates more impact than the slower one. That is why it is important to improve the power of your punches. Moreover, the speed bag exercise makes you learn how to hit your opponent at persistent power.
2. Train your Reflexes
A lot of incidents in our life occur daily that require impulsive action. Such as a fly coming on your face, or a cricket ball coming towards you at full speed. The speed bag workout makes you do the repetitive movement of flying towards your face & back. This trains your reflexes & while allowing you to defend yourself.
3. Teaches keeping the fists up
The basic and important thing you must learn for practicing boxing is guarding. That mainly involves keeping the fists high right at the front of the face. It is a critical position since it shields the head & enables you to throw a punch from an optimal state in absolutely no time. This workout also strengthens your shoulders while the mind learns how to keep the fists in an optimized position. Moreover, it helps your body to stand for a long time in a boxing stance.
4. Shredded Shoulder
Strengthened shoulders and arms are a must-have for boxers. It lacks this there’s a higher probability that you will lose the match no matter how skilled you are. Speed bag training is an amazing way of building lean & shredded shoulders. It gives you that “V-Shape” most professional boxers have. Beginners typically make the mistake of Lowering their arms mainly because their shoulders lack strength. It “opens” the defense & slows their punches.
5. Sharpens hand-eye coordination
The speed bag is fast & small size equipment that gives you a sharp target. It makes you concentrate while you punch. It improves your punching accuracy, timing & reflexes which all lead to better hand-eye coordination. It enables you to better the particular area of your opponent, in a better way & makes you a quicker fighter. An improvement in your reaction time enables you to hit the point more effectively.
6. Builds great endurance
Speed bag training makes you hit it with the arms up followed by a constant movement.
It strengthens & tones your whole arms & shoulders. Besides improving your boxing game, it is an amazing workout for strengthening your upper body and also getting rid of arm fat.
It is an intensive boxing workout that incorporates fast movements, and elevated heart rate. Speed bag training is an effective cardio conditioning that helps in improving your endurance & burning calories.
7. An Injury-free Exercise
If compared with the heavy punching bag workout, a speed bag has less potential of posing injuries. A heavy bag comes with a tough surface. Unprofessional punching or inadequate hand protection can cause serious damage to your hand. As this speed bag is small and light there’s very little risk of injuries.
8. Makes the stress go away
Besides physical benefits and improved athletic performance, a speed bag aids in getting rid of everyday stress. Life these days is full of grinds one needs a way to shed off his daily frustration. This workout makes you shift your brain off that stress instantly and put your whole concentration on the bag.