According to recent research, experts and doctors worldwide, having high blood sugar has become a lot more common than we could realize and the two main contributing factors to this pandemic is lack of exercise and the kind of diets we tend to follow. Having high blood sugar levels is hardly ideal as it gives way to people developing diabetes.
When you don’t follow a healthy diet and tend to eat a lot of sugary foods, oily foods and junk food then your body can find it particularly difficult to process; then that means you’re challenging your organs such as your liver and your pancreas. Each organ has a significant role to play when it comes to helping our body function properly; not giving them adequate nutrition and exercise means the organs are left helpless to try and perform properly. For such purposes it is important to spread awareness about how we can help our bodies to function properly and so we can lead a healthier life.
Everyone likes to indulge in succulent foods and enjoy plenty of desserts without worrying about anything; however, at times people tend to overdo it and while they enjoy having a sweet tooth, most people will not follow such a diet with adequate exercise and that’s where our problems begin. We would never suggest you to stop having your sweet desserts but would strictly advice everyone to definitely try and get as much exercise as they possibly can.
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The kind of lifestyle that you need to be aware of or try to avoid would mean that you are:
Eating a lot of sugar
while having sweets is desired by everyone, having too much sweets every day is obviously not advised to anyone. Especially having too much processed sugar in the form of bakery items, chocolate desserts, ice creams, cakes and so on. Nowadays there are so many healthier options to such foods that all you need is some encouragement and awareness about healthier options that will definitely help you lead a better lifestyle.

Opting for healthier sweets would mean having fruits; that is nature’s candy and does not have any kind of preservatives. Various fruits have various flavors and all you need to work out is which kind you like the most! The kind of sugar that fruits have in them are easily processed and burned by your body and you don’t need to worry about them settling in your body or adding to your weight.
Smoking has nicotine in it that not only raises your blood sugar but also sticks to your arteries and stores access sugar around them. This will not only lead a path towards diabetes but also increase your cholesterol and triglycerides that will further make your blood arteries narrower. If your blood sugar is high and you are a smoker then one of the first things your doctors will advise you to do is quit smoking!

Although this is a morning essential for most of us out there, having too much caffeine can also definitely cause a spike in your blood sugar levels. Having a cup of coffee or tea is not harmful but again over doing it and only depending on that as a necessary supplement will make you a lot unhealthier and also raise your sugar levels a lot.
Lack of sleep
Lack of sleep is another factor that will mess up your body and prevent it from functioning properly. If you don’t get a full eight hours of sleep during the night or if you tend to sleep too much then you will be unnecessarily challenging your body and the performance of insulin in your body. Adequate sleep and a proper routine will guide and assist your body in making insulin and also to help it perform properly as well.

Dehydration or lack of water will also cause a spike in your blood sugar. Water helps to wash out any excess sugar that your body might be producing; that’s why it is recommended to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day.
And lastly, which could easily be the most important factor is a lack of exercise. Exercise helps your body to burn sugar and glucose into energy that your body needs to perform well and get any work done. It is true that the kind of lifestyle that we lead today, sitting at our desks and working behind screens, makes it extra difficult to work out regularly. However, exercise should be made a priority by everyone to at least try and burn off excess sugars in our bodies and to lead a healthier life.
Apart from lowering sugar levels exercise has many more benefits; it helps to lower blood pressure, helps to circulate blood efficiently around your body, clears your mind so you perform better, improves your stamina and increases your lung capacity and also makes you more active and productive. Hence for all such reasons and many more we should try to incorporate exercise in our daily lives as much as we can.
Some of the signs of high sugar levels in our body that we should try to look out for our:
- Feeling the need to urinate a lot
- Rashes, bruises that appear on the body
- A delay in the healing of bruises, scars and wounds
- Feeling extra thirsty
- Urinary or vaginal itchiness
- Feeling extra fatigued or sleepy
- Aches in your bones and other body parts
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms and more then we suggest going to meet your doctor as soon as possible.
We suggest you take out your gym hoodies and those sweatshirts because we are about to tell you about some of the exercises that we would recommend you start doing immediately:
The most efficient form of exercise that is encouraged by doctors and experts when it comes to managing your sugar is walking! Not only is it highly effective but also extremely simple to follow; you don’t need a gym registration or a trainer to guide you on how you will need to incorporate or follow an exercise that includes walking in it! You can do it all on your own!
The reason why walking is so effective is because to manage your sugar levels in the blood you need to make sure that your muscles are effectively using sugar to make energy. Now of course any kind of body movement will do that for you but walking would mean that you are using the biggest muscles in your body which are in your leg muscles. Walking will help you make use of these muscles without the risk of injuring or tiring yourself out.

Cycling is another form of exercise that is heavily encouraged by doctors because again you use your leg muscles a lot while doing it. Cycling is also very enjoyable and challenging at the same time! Your main priority is to work on your leg muscles as much as possible.

Swimming is the kind of exercise that will make you use all the muscles of your body because its about your survival! When you swim your body tries its extra best to try and keep afloat and to move forward which makes swimming one of the best forms of exercise for people with high sugar levels.

Swimming also helps with the aches and pains in your muscles and bodies that high sugar levels might be causing and many doctors even recommend it to patients with arthritis. We definitely suggest you to start swimming as soon as you possibly can!
Running has the same advantages that walking has as you are efficiently using your leg muscles the most while doing this exercise. However, doctors promote this exercise because it helps you to lose weight as well, are a form of cardio, work your lung muscle which increases their capacity and improves your stamina and lastly because running allows your body to efficiently circulate blood around your body.

Again, we second the doctor’s advice and would suggest you try to at least make one running round when you are walking.
Yoga is our personal favorite exercise for people with high sugar levels and let us elaborate, yoga helps in:
- Stretching your muscles; yoga is a muscle eccentric workout that helps to regulate and circulate blood in your muscles. If you have ever done yoga you will know how pressurizing yoga is for the muscles because you literally feel your muscles burning as your legs, upper arms and core starts to ache and shake.
- Yoga helps to lose weight and make your muscles flexible.
- Yoga can be done for specific muscles so if you are advised to use your leg muscles as much as possible then you can choose specific leg postures to do and you will reap the same benefits as that of walking.

We all want to have as much fun as we possibly can while exercising and we don’t want it to get too boring or too taxing! For such people we suggest doing workouts that include fun dance and challenging moves such as aerobics! And the best part about aerobics is that not only will it help you sharpen your moves but you can also seek the help of a friend and enjoy aerobic classes with them!