Sure, some of us are rocket scientists. We are able to track every calorie and calculate our optimum payload and energy expenditure. Learn how much you can eat and when you can cheat without ruining your diet. Great if it works for you. But you know what? Most of us have our hands full of work; we don’t have the time to obsess over food. So I say don’t you can eat the Power 12 and calories and fat intake will be taken care of on their own.
Practical Implementation: Eat a well-balanced diet — making sure to include filling roughage like the awesome high-fiber whole grains, proteins, and last but not least good fats. Don’t be obsessed with counting calories all the time just have a rough idea of how many calories you taking in.
Table of Contents
Old School Diets
Your diet could be as healthy and disciplined as a Buddhist monk’s and you could still end up consuming too many calories. Between high-sugar fruit juice (yes juices in a carton can contain a lot of sugar), high-fat whole milk, high-calorie soft drinks, and higher-calorie beer (beer gut anyone), it’s scary once we get to know what’s in those drinks we have, even the so-called diet products. So educate yourself check the labels (thank you GOI, new regulations have come in place, and now the labels will have even more information on them), and do some research on your own. So re-examine what you drink along with and in-between meals as well.
Practical Implementation
Drink water, Toned milk, and smoothies. Coffee and tea are okay too but in limited quantities. But avoid like a plague whole-fat dairy products and those high-sugar fruit juices. Alcohol anyone? I will play the devil’s advocate here, limit yourself to two or three drinks, and sorry to bust your bubble that per week not per day. These are extra calories you can do without. And for heaven’s sake, stop with those aerated soft drinks.
Abs Diet – You Can Eat
Diets used to be like relationships: If you drifted from the rules, you were done. Did you cheat? Forget it, Diet’s over. But I want you to cheat (wipe that grin off your face, I mean on the diet that is). Once every week, eat whatever your heart desires anything at all. Deprivation leads to resentment, which leads to breakups, leaving a nasty aftertaste. But if you cut loose once a week, you’ll be in control of the other 41 meals and snacks — you can eat healthy will be your choice, not your chore.
Real World Application
you can time your cheat meal to coincide with events like a party, weekend, or office lunch with co-workers. With time, as your body adapts to the new diet plan you would not feel the urge to cut lose anymore. Again this is a diet that works with you, not against you.