BJJ or Brazilian jiu-jitsu is an art of grappling that is used in mixed martial arts. In the world of mixed martial arts, some of the most famous fighters use grappling as their standard form of martial arts when it comes to fighting. The best thing about BJJ is that it is an evolved form of traditional Japanese jiu-jitsu, and it has many moves that are similar to the traditional jiu-jitsu. However, when it comes to complexity and effectiveness, it has better results, and you will be surprised how much you can learn. Just a few years ago, no one was familiar with BJJ; however, as time is passing, more and more people are getting aware of BJJ. Apart from this, mainstream media is also portraying BJJ in a positive light. Provisory BJJ and other mixed martial arts were considered something that would help in developing anger; however, now the perspective has changed, and more people are moving towards BJJ.
The best thing about BJJ is that it is the only martial art that favor the skinny, weak and small individual. Unlike other martial arts, where height and weight are considered as a plus, BJJ has been designed to favor the people who really need it. This is one of the main reasons it is now becoming very popular among women. Street harassment cases are becoming a big issue, and this is the reason BJJ is being selected by many people just for the sake of learning self-defense. For a beginner who is yet to figure out why BJJ is becoming rapidly popular among women, here are a few reasons that can explain it better.
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Self Defense
When we talk about women-based self-defense training, BJJ is the first thing that comes to mind. The main reason behind this is because BJJ is good for women. It favors the weak, and since women have a body texture that is flexible as compared to men, it helps them use this for their self-defense. Apart from this, the small size and easy ability to slide through the grappling lock is also a plus for women. Amidst the ongoing surge in harassment cases, self-defense is the only solution.

If you find it difficult to pursue a full-fledged fitness session, BJJ might help you with that as well. According to research, BJJ is a full-body workout that will help you lose weight and help your body get in shape. In most cases, people don’t work at all due to their tough daily routine; however, BJJ is good for relaxing as well, and you will see the impact of positive energy on your body. If you want to improve your fitness, BJJ needs to be on your must-try list; this will not only help you get in shape but also burn fats and calories without losing the muscle portion.
Reverse Ageing
Aging is becoming a big issue, especially for women; they want to find a way to reverse it. Most women try to take help from plastic surgeons and get various injections and transplants to reverse the aging process; however, with the help of BJJ, you will be helping your body in delaying the aging signs. For most people, this might be shocking; however, there are researches that prove BJJ helps with the improvement of memory and muscle memory. This also reduces the effect of fatigue and helps you with feeling better and more energetic. Even if you are feeling low or lazy, a good BJJ session will help you lift up your mood, and this can be very good for your physical health as well as mental health.

BJJ is a complete solution to all your fitness issues. For most people who are still trying to figure out how this will help with confidence, the explanation is simple. BJJ helps with a good posture that helps you support your shoulders and neck. This will make you look tall, and eventually, you will give others the idea that you are confident. In most cases, even if someone is not very confident but has a good sitting or standing posture, this can be a vital step towards looking confident.